
soul shine

24 - 27 OCTOBER

This Retreat will be in french and englis, The Group is mixt: every classes will be in both languages.

A 4-day yoga cleanse for body and soul in South West of France: 40 min from Biarritz.

The retreat and every class will be in french and english.

Elsa organize only 2 retreats per year, this one will be the last one of 2024.

These energizing few days will invite you to align with the theme of awakening, embrace growth, change, rebirth and harness our own power. Through yoga, meditation, pranayama, journaling and movement, you'll explore what it means to awaken your body, far beyond the surface layer, by engaging in a daily practice of self-expression, liberation and self-love. You are your own healer, and the practice of yoga is just one tool (among many) capable of revealing your potential to be.

Practices will be led by Elsa Vasselin, who will help you harness the feeling of awakening for your mind, body, soul and breath.

2 daily practices exploring:

🤎 Yoga poses and flows

🤎 Movement

🤎 Pranayama (breathing)

🤎 Sound and music

🤎 Meditation

🤎 journaling

🤎 Community

Places are limited and it is possible to book shared or single rooms. Early bird rate available until 10 June . Payment in 3 times possible.

Reserve your spot : mp 📩

We’ll move, breathe, meditate and connect on the outdoor terrace, finding a connection to Mother Nature every step of the way. Our practices will journey through a myriad of techniques including yoga, free movement, breathwork, moving meditation, seated meditation, sharing circles, music and journaling.

This retreat is here to allow you time to feel deeply into your true self, your authentic self, a peeled-back version of your soul and a more powerful and confident version of YOU. We will take time to go through the motions of transformation both through the power of an inwards journey and the power of sharing an experience with like-minded humans.

We'll start each day with a silent meditative walk in the forest around the house, breathing, be present to ourselves and then in the peacefull shala a fun and dynamic 2h vinyasa flow class, each day with a new theme, a different focus and exciting poses.

At the end of the afternoon, we meet again for a 1h experimental practice, in the form of a workshop, a real laboratory for exploring your body and mind. You'll work in duet on more advanced poses: arm balance, heart openings, inversions...

We'll then finish with a slower, more restorative Yin Yoga practice, 45 min of Yin yoga before ending with 15 min of Journaling to bring the day to a gentle, conscious close.

Villa et Location

Metta villa

Located in the heart of nature, Metta Villa is a place dedicated to silence, contemplation and the transmission of approaches to inner transformation, healing, living together, global ecology and peace.

🌱 1 multi-purpose 100 m2 practice room for 30 people

🌱 breathtaking views of the forest

🌱 Swimming pool and sauna ouvert toute l'année

🌱 delicious vegetarian cuisine

🌱 attention to every detail

All the accommodations offer the perfect balance between simplicity and comfort.

Living room

The dining room and terrace are ideal for large tables or more intimate gatherings.

The living rooms are organized around a fireplace or wood-burning stove.

The library offers a wealth of books on spirituality and personal development.

The decor is sober, inspired by the surrounding nature.


Main house

4 double rooms with shared bathroom/toilet.

The KARUNA annexe has :

2 double rooms with private bathroom/toilet

1 triple room with private bathroom/toilet

*possibility to have 1 single bedroom with private bathroom and toilet.

Sauna and Pool

Fully enclosed, the 16 m-long swimming pool is ideal for both relaxation and sports training.

The poolhouse features a sauna, ideal for relaxation.

Yoga Room

A light and airy 105 m2 room in a recent wooden construction, opening onto the park. 150 m2 outdoor terrace.

Facilities available:

YOGA: Mats, blocks, belts, pillows and blankets.

MEDITATION / WELLNESS: Meditation cushions, meditation mats


The orchard & vegetable garden

A place for experimentation and training, the permaculture orchard and vegetable garden supply the METTA VILLA kitchen with fresh produce.

2 chefs will spoil us with culinary delights during the retreat.

You can expect delicious and healthy full catering prepared from regional and environmentally friendly ingredients. All vegetables from the garden.

We will have two large meals per full day (brunch and dinner), plus a pre-practice snack/light breakfast.

All dishes are vegetarian. Vegan on request.


Epicurean and curious, Katia is passionate about plant-based cooking and the workings of the human body.

Trained in Naturopathy and Micronutrition, through her cooking and nutritional advice she offers us treasures to help us regain full health while respecting the planet.

Her tasty, inventive and colorful cuisine delights the eye before it delights the taste buds.


Thomas is a chef and pastry chef.

He studied anthropology and bio-naturopathy. His aim is to bring a different perspective to what we eat.

Vegetarian and vegan cooking have been part of his daily routine for many years. But recently, wild plants have turned his cooking upside down.

Trained as a Bio-Naturopath to deepen his knowledge of nutrients and plants, he believes that health and food go hand in hand.

He cooks seasonally and organically, and is also experimenting with fermentation and raw cooking.


A one-and-a-half hectare park surrounds the METTA VILLA. Ornamental and aromatic plants, a bamboo forest and a wide variety of tree species: the area is ideal for contemplation and observation of a rich and varied fauna.

... you join?

24 - 27 OCTOBER


○ 3 nights at Villa Metta and 4 days

○3 vegetarian meals a day ( vegan option also available )

○ 4h30 yoga per day

○ meditation, breathing

○ daily journaling

○ vinyasa in the morning, afternoon workshop & gentle practice in the late afternoon

○ drinks and snack

not included

○ journey to the villa

○ taxi or car rental


shared bedroom ( single bed )

early bird before 10 june :

790 euros

after 10 june :

920 euros


single bedroom

Early bird before 10 june :

1110 euros

after 10 june :

1240 euros

Reserve your spot: 300 euros (non refundable)

- pay online on this page with paypal or stripe


- bank transfer directly with Elsa :

* the early bird shared room rate offers 130 euros off the final price, the early bird single room rate 130 euros

**POSSIBILITY TO PAY IN 2 or 3 TIMES (see with Elsa directly)

You join? Make yourself a real gift

You want more information, you have questions

15 minutes on the phone to discuss


Elsa : +33688761644

One typical day to villa épicura

yoga classes in english and french

Arrival Day

4 pm onwards: Check in at the house.

5:15 pm: welcome & stretchy flow for travelling day

6:45 pm: Welcome dinner

Full days on the retreat will run roughly like so:

8:30 am: Tea/coffee & light breakfast

9:15 - 9:45 am: meditation walk & journaling

9:45 - 11:45 breathwork & yoga vinyasa

12: lunch

Free time – This is time for you to explore and do what your heart desires

4:30pm : workshop

5:30pm: Restorative/yin yoga / journaling

6:45 pm: Dinner

Final Day

8:30 am: Tea/coffee & light breakfast

9:15 am: meditative walk & journaling

9:45 Yoga & closing circle

12: lunch

free time

16:00 Check out


Your yoga teacher

Elsa Vasselin

This is the 9th retreat she has organized.

Elsa strives to offer a unique experience and different themes each time.


It's hard to resist Elsa's joie de vivre and positive outlook. Her career is fascinating: as a documentary maker for French and international celebrities, she has been able to adapt to all of them, developing great listening skills and empathy, as well as experiencing "out of the ordinary" moments with the singers who make the news.

As a yoga teacher, therapist and energy specialist, she now helps men and women to regain their confidence, build themselves up and be themselves in their bodies, their hearts, their relationships and their sensuality! Mostly to accept the up and the down of life.

She gives teacher training in the Netherland, in France and worshops as well In Amsterdam, Utrecht, Paris, Bordeaux, Marseille...She likes to say " there is no magic in yoga, it's all about discovering your own potential : physical, mental, emotional and eventually spiritual. To love yourself and know your worth"

Elsa is also, and above all, a precious naturalness and authenticity. Her joie de vivre and generosity, as well as her open-mindedness on all subjects, make her a person you won't forget.

She has created her own path, off the beaten track, listening to her intuition, following her heart to join and live in Holland with the man who shares her life, overcoming the difficulties of living in a different country with different cultures and remaining flexible in the storms of life, without ever giving up, and also inspiring hundreds of women and men to believe in themselves and above all to follow their dreams...

She thinks that yoga is not the healer, You are the healer: yoga is just a tool ( in the middle of others ) that you can choose for few month or few years, eventually for life.

Is this yoga retreat is for you?

Elsa has been running yoga retreats and workshops since 2016. She has given retreats in Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal and France, and this is one of her favourite moments in her daily life as a teacher and therapist.

Her retreats are always authentic, and have already created many friendships and fond memories.

For her, a retreat is a human experience in its own right, a total immersion and a moment dedicated to reconnecting with oneself but also to meeting others. It's a moment for yourself, a real gift.

The courses are not à la carte, because they all contribute, day after day, to giving you the letting go that is essential to the success of your stay.

Openness to others, to new things, non-judgement, tolerance and kindness are all part of her values, and she will always advocate them.

After a 10-year career in journalism and music, Elsa has been a teacher since 2015. She builds creative classes in which strength and gentleness intermingle. A dance between self-transcendence and confidence, a nurturing and reassuring space that will guide you into a hypnotic practice.

Yoga practice of at least 6 months recommended.

You want more information, you have questions

15 minutes on the phone to discuss


Elsa : +33688761644

Why Elsa choose Metta Villa

she is sharing the same idea of the owners

3 pillars that she likes to reconnect with the essential and self love:


Silence is an important part of the METTA VILLA experience, allowing bodies to rest, minds to calm and hearts to beat.


At METTA VILLA, we offer vegetarian and vegan meals made from fresh, local, organic produce.


METTA VILLA is a place without Wifi and digital use is limited. So we can focus on what's essential: ourselves and others.

what to bring

all yoga equipment is available at our retreat, as well as towels and bed linen. bring sturdy shoes or trainers with a good grip for hiking and a beach/pool towel. we will inform you again of what to bring a few days before your retreat.

Travel information

check-in on Thursday from 16:00 // check-out on Sunday until 16:00

Arrival and departure:

A little extra: Take advantage of our dedicated discussion group to organize carpooling or book a cab together.

plane: Biarritz airport

train : Biarritz or Bayonne station

taxi or rent a car : 40 min from the station or airport

Paiement and cancellation

Deposit of 300 euros to reserve your spot (deducted from the final price)

then payment in full depending on your choice of payment ( 1, 2 or 3 times)

If you wish to pay in few times, please contact Elsa. She will arrange on your tempo.

In the event of cancellation the deposit (300 euros) is retained for every situation

within two weeks of the start of the retreat, 70% will be retained (from the total price )

In the event of cancellation before these two weeks, 50% will be retained ( from the total price) . if it's before the 10 September the deposit will be retained.

If only 9 people register, Elsa will have to cancel the retreat and you will receive a 100% refund.

A yoga retreat takes months of work and organisation, thank you to understand The energy and the time Elsa invest within.

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